

What are my interests?
I am interested in movie making and I am planning on continuing developing my skills. I already created few shorts films and I try to progress. But I also like to do some small art works on paper or in Photoshop as well as text designs (like on the heading of my blog).

What do I care about?
I care a lot about my family, friends, my passion but also music is big part of my life.

What are my dreams for this year and in the future?
This year I hope to keep myself organized and set new goals as I go but also to become more open. But overall my life dream is to be connected with movie industry in any way.

What role does language have in my life?
Language have important role in my life. Language helped me to expand my mind in many ways and gave me many fantastic opportunities in life.

Why do I think it is important to study language? 
I think it's important to study language in order to develop your understanding in variation of topics but also to appreciate literature, music, movies etc. 

Have I ever felt excluded due to language barriers?

Yes, I did- though it was more on the beginning of my story with international school.

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